Day By Day

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Goodness Gracious: I Am Rose's Enlarged Thyroid, Part 2

So, today I went to get my blood drawn. 

I swear, that blood tech drilled a hole in my arm with a dull needle to get the blood out.  It seems that my arm has been sore, right there in the bed of the elbow, since my last blood draw.

I wonder when I did have my blood drawn last?  I need to ask Dr. Glaze and Dr. Dorsett.

First they took the blood, and then I got to pee in the cup.  The peeing was successful this time, as I managed to hold onto the cup as I filled it.  (Last time I gave a urine sample, for the GREX drug test, I dropped the cup in the toilet, and tehn couldn't pee for another 90 minutes.)

So ... now I wait until tomorrow (Friday).  If they don't call tomorrow by noon, I'm calling them.  I know, I know, I'm supposed to wait ... but I can't.

Thank God, we're going to see the Watchmen movie tomorrow.  I'm going to order big food at Alamo Draft House, and indulge myself in Italian sodas.

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