Day By Day

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Hollerin' At Idiots - Hank Johnson


Hollering 'Bout Black Conservatives - Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson is a Tea Party activist ... and, yes, he's black, too!

Saw him on Bill O'Reilley tonight, and was impressed.  Went to his website,, and was even more impressed.  Check it out!

The Federal Takeover Of Student Loans

Has anyone else noticed that this is a de facto takeover of public and private colleges?

Colleges nowadays can't get by if their students don't get student loans.  Now that the Federal Government is the only source for said loans, what happens if the administrators of the program choose not to make loans available for students to attend schools the administrators don't like?  Schools like, say, Hillsdale CollegeOral Roberts UniversityLiberty UniversityBob Jones University?  Any Christian seminary?  Yeshiva College?

The current Administration now has higher education by the balls, no?

So Tony Bouie's Opposition Found My Post ...

My obscure little blog, which hasn't been updated in over a year, got a response to the Tony Bouie post within three hours.  The response is from his opposition.

Ooooo ... I feel so used!  <laughing>

Anyway, I still may have to send him a few dollars ...!

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