Day By Day

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin Watch: The Hacking Of Her Email --- Ever-Deepening Levels Of Ick
UPDATE: Warrants Served On David Kernell

So, first someone hacked her email for kicks (language warning) ... hat tip to Michelle Malkin for publishing the deets from one of her readers.  He didn't hack the password --- instead, he used the "Lost Password" feature.  Check the "lost password" methodologies employed by your bank, your credit cards, PayPal ... it's scary out there, people! 

And, hey ... the little idiot claims there was nothing in her personal email beyond family data, personal email addresses and cell phone numbers, and personal chit-chat.  Is Governor Palin so straight-arrow that she's even clean in private?  And they say McCain didn't know what he was getting!

Next, let's applaud the "white knight f***er" who did the right thing by changing the password and alerting the Palin campaign.  Wonder who this person was?  I suspect that not everyone has a friend in the Palin campaign.  Contemplating this person's identity --- and what they were doing on 4chan --- makes me go "Hmmm ...!"

Associated Press, in its infinite wisdom, refused to give copies of these illegally obtained emails to the FBI.  I don't know why the FBI even bothered to waste their breath ... AP would have sent them a bill anyway.  If it's not anti-Republican, they can't be bothered ... note how, even though they admit in Paragraph 1 that the emails found were "inconsequential personal messages," Paragraph 4 is all about the "propriety" of using "nongovernment e-mail accounts to conduct state business."  Not that any state business was found in this account.  Further down, they expose both Governor and Mr. Palin's email addresses, and the rationale behind his email, as well as personal information that would allow anyone of evil intent to target the man --- thanks so d*mn much, AP!  Their willingness to blab everything they know, at least about the Palins, also makes me go "Hmmm ...!"

The screencaps posted apparently show that the hacker used as a proxy.  Ctunnel's owner, Gabriel Ramuglia, says he should be able to ID the hacker by checking Ctunnel's logs.

However, by using simpler Internet tools, it seems that the hacker has been identified as a 20-something from a nominally Southern state who has battled with depression a goodly part of his young life.  But, more interestingly, this young man's father is apparently a mover and shaker in the Democrat Party of this nominally Southern state.  In point of fact, Daddy appears to be an elected official in this State's government.  Daddy is also apparently involved or supported by a left-wing blog.

NOW it gets interesting!  Whose idea was it to hack Governor Palin's email?  What did the elected official/paternal unit know?  What role did the blog play in all this? 

Secret Service, FBI, get busy!  Hacking email is a Federal crime, punishable by up to 1 year in Federal pound-me-in-the-azz prison.  It's also punishable by up to 5 years in Alaska, where prison may be even worse ...

And once the perpetrator is apprehended, maybe we can find out how much further down the rabbit hole we have to go to get to the source of this rancid mess.

I mean, Watergate started out as a simple robbery.  I'm just sayin' ...

UPDATE: Warrants served on David Kernell, son of liberal Democrat Tennessee state legislator Mike Kernell, just after midnight Sunday morning.

Apparently not a hoax ...

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